Paper and Your Wedding Cocktails and "Mocktails"


Nothing says PARTY like sipping on gorgeous and delicious cocktails or "mocktails" (a non-alcoholic, but still chic beverage). Making a bee line to the beverage area does have its perks. Aside from the obvious, it's a chance to mingle with guests and get a peek at more paper details. The beverage table or bar is a great place for a couple to interject even more lovely paper statements...
Personalized Cocktail Napkins

Love the modern font!

From OrangeIsBeautiful

Fun Stir Sticks and Unique Straws 

Photo from Garnish

This is true...
From Lollipops and Pussycats

Drink Tags

Pretty and particle...
Photo from Ambrosia Creative

Bar/Drink Menu

And the list could go on and on!
Do you have any ideas for paper details that accompany your libations? We'd love to hear about them. Have a good week!