Pantry Staples for Meal Prep

By Sweetpeasandsaffron

This list of pantry staples for meal prep will ensure you never run out of an important ingredient in the middle of a recipe.

I’ve been asked a few times for a list of pantry staples that I have on hand, and so today I’m doing just that!  Let’s talk pantry staples!

Keeping a stocked pantry

  • makes you more efficient in the kitchen- no one wants to have to run to the store mid-recipe to grab an item!
  • can save you money; stocking up on these items while they are on sale is smart, especially when you use them as often as I do!
  • makes it easy to throw together a meal in a pinch

I’m sharing a very basic list of ingredients that I keep in my kitchen. These are the basic ingredients that I use all the time.

They are basic, versatile, and (for the most part) cheap…and if I were starting my kitchen over from scratch, I’d run out and buy every item on this list.

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