Panna Cotta Recipe: Mango & Rosemary

By Emmy0804 @EmmaJORourke

An Australian summer and panna cotta were made for each other. A refreshing, cool dessert is just the ticket when the heat waves are shimmering.  Today the temp is set to reach 36 degrees, a scorcher by Brisbane standards so any relief is more than welcome for most.

This panna cotta is a great on a hot day like today as the mango is so refreshing with just a hint of rosemary so that it isn’t too sweet. It is also an easy panna cotta recipe to make, there is a bit of stove-top action, but not enough to kill you in the heat and you are rewarded an hour or so later with a beautiful refreshing dessert or snack. No slaving in the kitchen for hours required.

The rosemary was picked fresh from the garden (this recipe just wouldn’t work with dried rosemary). Though I am still waiting for the mangos on our giant mango tree to ripen. As soon as they do there will be another batch of mango and rosemary panna cotta whipped up pronto!

mango & rosemary panna cotta


  • 1 1/2 cups thickened cream
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1 mango cheek, pureed
  • 1 titanium leaf of gelatine {hints and tips on using gelatine}
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla bean paste {or one vanilla bean pod}
  • 1 sprig of rosemary {I used approximately 8cm cutting off the tip of a stem}


  1. Place cream, sugar, mango puree, rosemary sprig and the vanilla in a saucepan over a medium heat. Note: Mango has an enzyme which can prevent gelatine from setting, by cooking the puree in the cream this will destroy the enzyme and make sure the panna cotta sets.
  2. Place the gelatine leaf in a bowl of cold water and leave it aside to soften. If you cut the leaf in thirds it will help when it comes to adding it to the hot cream later.
  3. Slowly heat the panna cotta cream until it is just boiling. Note: Rosemary, like any herb, can differ greatly in strength, so continuously taste the cream whilst it is coming up to boiling point. Just remove the rosemary sprig once it has enough flavor for your taste. For me, the mango is the hero of the panna cotta with the rosemary providing some savoury depth.
  4. Once the cream is just boiling remove from the heat and let it sit for a minute.
  5. Remove the gelatine from the bowl of water, give it a gentle squeeze to remove the excess water and place in the hot cream. Make sure the cream is not boiling when you add the gelatine.
  6. Stir the cream continuously until all of the gelatine is dissolved.
  7. Allow the mix to cool slightly. If you prefer to use moulds,  lightly grease them with a bit of olive oil on your finger before pouring in the panna cotta cream. You can also pour the mix into some beautiful glasses and serve as like a mousse. Either way is delicious. Divide the panna cotta cream evenly between either the moulds or glasses and place in the refrigerator for at least an hour, or until set. With this mix I made enough for six people.
  8. Serve with diced mango and shredded coconut.

The lovely husband and I picked up these beautiful tea glasses in the cavernous spice market in Istanbul. They are the perfect size for a shot of panna cotta and it is a much more informal and easier way to serve it for dessert or a refreshing snack.

Happy Wednesday and stay cool!
