Pandora, Europa and Prometheus - the Outer Moons of Hollywood Propaganda

Posted on the 05 May 2012 by Freeplanet @CUST0D1AN
2001, Stanley Kubrick's seminal space odyssey started it all off, positing that Jupiter's moon Europa is a second testbed for the organic exercise that caused Homo Sapiens here on Earth.
Pandora, Europa and Prometheus - the outer moons of Hollywood propaganda
Avatar, James Cameron's Fern Gully re-imagining, featured a moon called Pandora that was shown to orbit a planet that looked very much like a blue-filtered version of Jupiter replete with big all-seeing-eye persistent weather spot.
Pandora, Europa and Prometheus - the outer moons of Hollywood propaganda
Prometheus, title of the forthcoming Ridley Scott film, is actually an object orbiting within the Saturnian ringspace. And what do we see in the back-right of this Prometheus-has-landed image? Saturn's rings, right?
Pandora, Europa and Prometheus - the outer moons of Hollywood propaganda
In fact, Pandora is the name of another of Saturn's shepherd moon system, as it's called, that keeps the dirty-ice-particle rings where they are.
What's going on, Holywood? Spill your guts.