Panchakarma & Ayurvedic Treatment for Piles

Posted on the 17 May 2019 by Chandigarhayurved

When somebody heard about piles they feel scary, but don’t be so as Ayurveda have numerous herbs along with the panchakarma procedures for it. Firstly the knowledge about piles is the most important because people don’t have that.

What are Piles?

In Ayurveda Piles are known as “Arsh” these are swollen and inflamed tissues found in the anal area of an individual. According to modern point of view piles are also called as hemorrhoids. It is a disease that disturbs the vital force of a person. The wrong eating habits, and lifestyle disturbance reduce the digestive fire that is known as “mandagni” in Ayurveda. This result in the inability to digest food properly with time, the undigested food (Aama) that is in stool form disturbs the doshas (vata, pitta, and kapha) inside the anorectal region.

The appearance of fleshy mass of variable shape, size, and color in the anal region is known as piles. These are of two types 1) Shushk arsh (Dry piles) is due to vataj and kaphaj dosha 2) Sravi arsh (Exudating piles) is due to pittaj and rakta.

As per modern point of view piles are of two types

  1. Internal piles: present above the opening of the anus that measures between 2 to 4 cms.
  2. External piles: these piles occur outside the anus edge.

The piles are graded into four grades:

  • Grade I: These piles occur inside lining of the anus, cause inflammation, and are not visible.
  • Grade II: These piles are larger than grade I and are present inside the anus. The Grade II piles pushed out during the passage of the stool.
  • Grade III: In this grade the hemorrhoids are prolapsed and are seen outside the anus. The patient can feel these piles hanged out from the rectum.
  • Grade IV: These piles are large in size and are seen outside the anus. The treatment of these piles is difficult.

Signs and Symptoms of Piles:

  • Hard and painful lumps around the anus.
  • After bowel movement appearance of bright right blood.
  • During passage of stool pain is felt.
  • Redness and itching seen around the anus.
  • More severe condition causes excessive bleeding that ultimately leads to anemia.
  • Sometimes there is fecal incontinence.
  • Piles can ultimately lead to anal fistula.

What are the Causes of Piles?

In piles the blood vessels around the anus and rectum may bulge or swell up. These piles are formed due to:

  • Constipation
  • While passing a stool straining is faced by an individual
  • Chronic diarrhea
  • Lifting heavy weight may be a reason for piles
  • Pregnancy is also a common reason
  • Eating low fiber diet
  • Cancer of colon
  • Spinal cord injury can cause piles
  • Obesity

Diagnosis of Piles: Through rectal examination piles can be detected. Anoscopy, Colonoscopy and Sigmoidoscopy can be done for proper diagnosis of bleeding piles condition.

Ayurvedic and Panchakarma Treatment for Piles:

There are numerous herbs present in Ayurveda that provides amazing result in the management of the piles. Chandigarh Ayurved Center a best Ayurvedic clinic provides a “Piles Relief Kit” that contains products like Arsho Fit Capsule, Pilewin Tablets, CAC Panchsakar Churna, and Triphala Syrup.

All Products description:

1. Arsho Fit Capsule

These are Ayurvedic capsules that have been prepared from ingredients like Raswanti, Ritharakh, Kattha, Bakayan, Ral, Chitrak, Nimboli, Shubhra Bhasm, Nag Keshar, Shodhit Suhaga, Shodhit Gairik, Sonth etc. that in combination provide relief from itching, and bleeding associated with piles. Regular use of these capsules provides effective result in piles.

Recommended dosage: Take two capsules twice daily with plain water after meals.

2. Pilewin Tablets

The ingredient used for the preparation of these tablets is 100% extract of Naga parpam. Regular use of these tablets gives effective results in both external and internal piles. These tablets diminish the bleeding piles and shrink the pile mass. It maintains the pitta dosha in the body.

Recommended dosage: Take two tablets twice daily with plain water.

3. Panchsakar Churna

This is a classical ayurvedic preparation that has been prepared from ingredients like Shunti, Haritaki, Pippali, Trivrit, and Sauvarchala lavana that relieves constipation very easily. CAC prepared this powder especially for piles patient. Regular use of this churna give effective result in loss of appetite, bloating related to piles patient.

Recommended dosage: Take 1 teaspoonful one daily with warm water.

4. Triphala Syrup

As the name suggests Triphala means (Haritaki, Bibhitaki, and Amalaki) herbs are used for syrup formation. This is amazing syrup that cleans your bowel naturally. It maintains the overall digestive system of an individual and keeps effective bowel movements. Use of this syrup gives relieve from chronic constipation related to the piles patient.

Recommended dosage: Take 2 teaspoonful of this syrup twice daily.

CAC Panchakarma treatment for Piles Patient:

Through Panchakarma we can purify and detoxify the patient body in piles patient. CAC is the best ayurvedic center that provides best services in panchakarma. Here the authentic Ayurveda is used for the treatment of piles. There are five main procedures that can be done in a piles patient details are mentioned below:

1. Shasthi Shali Pind Sweda

In this procedure rice are cooked with Balamoola kwath and dughda for inducing sweda. Light sweda is done to the piles patient over the affected area.

2. Patra Potli Pind Sweda

In this procedure the herbal leaves are prepared in bundle. Through this potali the affected area is massaged gently.

3. Basti

This is considered as the mother of all Panchakarma procedure. It cleanses all the toxins accumulated in the body. Mainly Vata, Pitta, and Kapha doshas are removed with basti. Through herbal decoctions and ghee colon is cleaned. That ultimately gives relief from piles. In CAC pipalayadi anuvasan basti is given in piles patient. For some patient Triphala anuvasan basti is also used.

4. Shirodhara

In CAC this procedure include oil, coconut water, milk, buttermilk, and plain water is poured gently over the forehead. For piles patient Shirodhara is the best one for reducing stress, and anxiety.

Which Foods should be eaten and avoided in Piles ?

Food items to be eaten (Pathya): wheat, barley, shali variety of rice, wood apple, goat’s milk, elephant’s foot, amala fruit, roots of punarnava pigweed, radish juice, apple.

Food items to be avoided (Apathya): sesame seeds, black gram, black phaseolus bean, fried food, pizza, burgers, cold drinks, maggie, spicy food items, etc.

Home Remedies for Piles Patient

  • Drink plenty of water for avoiding constipation.
  • Prepare juice of fresh radish and drink half cup of this early in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • Take few peels of pomegranate fruit. Add two cups of water in it until remaining one cup. Strain the mixture and drink this once daily.
  • Drink a glass of buttermilk by adding a pinch of black pepper and rock salt in it.
  • Prepare a juice of carrot, spinach, and turnip leaves 50 ml each. Drink this once or twice daily.
  • Take four dried figs soak it in a glass of water overnight. Early in the morning on an empty stomach drink the water and eat these figs.
  • Drink juice of ripe Bilva (Agele marmelos) fruit once daily.
  • You can drink 3ml of castor oil with milk at bed time. Or apply this oil over the affected part of pile mass for reducing pain.
  • Include higher fiber diet like carrot, turnip, cucumber, papaya, radish, beetroot etc in your diet.
  • Apply coconut oil over the affected area of the piles.