Pancakes!! Low Fat, High Protein, Gluten Free and Dairy Free Yet Seriously Yummy!!

By Bewilderedbug @bewilderedbug

Check out the original post Pancakes!! Low Fat, High Protein, Gluten Free and Dairy Free yet seriously yummy!! on

I’ve found the most fantastic pancake recipe ever….yes on Pinterest.  After all, I am a bit of a Pinterest addict (if you don’t know that you need to stalk me a bit better).  Anyway, I know “Pancake Day”, better known as Shrove Tuesday, has passed – but I just HAD to share this with you in case, like me, you’ve been living under a rock peeping out.

Last night, I felt for a sweet treat, and decided to experiment.  The best time to try a viral Pinterest recipe is when your kitchen is clean and your husband is not in, n’est ce pas?  After all, that’s when no one can see you mess up!  Unless you’re trying for one of those Pinterest fail memes of your own – but I was not, so I decided to try the latest pancake recipe flying around the internet – the banana and egg pancake – low fat and high protein little packs of goodness.  And, Slimming World friendly (!!) if you are on Slimming World diets (which I am – but that’s another blog).

So I tried it last night and sort of failed, because I was depending on my memory and could swear that I read two bananas and one egg…well…they do become a pancake-like batter – but the sugars in the banana make them burn much more quickly, and they never quite cook through – if you’ve ever tried to fry a banana you’ll know why.  Bananas when heated up, get more mushy than they were previously.  So…I ate a few, but the burnt flavor got to me and I gave up pretty quickly.

Then today I wanted sweet stuff again, but since gaining in my weigh in last week, I’ve been trying to re-set my diet and only eat things that are “allowed”.  I decided to try it again, but this time, looked up the recipe, which is

Blend two eggs and one banana.  Heat pan and spray with low calorie cooking spray (Slimming World UK advises Frylight and I recommend the butter flavor for this).  Drop in some batter and cook as you normally would any other pancake.

What surprised me was that this batter, although so watery looking, worked perfectly.  The pancakes came out thick and fluffy and wonderful….and I had made mini sizes just because last night the mini sizes seemed to work better (makes sense with not enough binding) than the large ones.  I think the correct recipe above would definitely work as large ones.

Anyway, in the two photos in this post, I added blueberries and 1 Tablespoon of Tesco Finest Maple Syrup (not quite as good as pure Canadian but the best I’ve found here so far) – for you Slimming World followers, that’s 2 syns for the maple syrup and everything else is free.  I think you can also substitute chocolate shot for the maple syrup or even add it into the batter itself for chocolate pancakes.

The great things about these pancakes are that they are foolproof, gluten free and dairy free!  I would like to say allergen free but they do use eggs so….not quite.  However, if you are looking for a low fat, gluten and dairy free, protein packed sweet snack, these pancakes are perfect – and they’re from Pinterest no less!!

You HAVE to try this – it will completely change your world!!!

What recipes have you found on Pinterest that you are dying to make (or have made)?

- ...just trying to navigate through this obstacle course called life...