Panasonic India unveiled the high battery smartphone - ELUGA A2. This new Panasonic smartphone is coming with innovative light weight 4000mAh battery. Eluga A2 is designed for people who are always on-the-go, the mobile has expandable memory and supports 4G VoLTE and available at a best buy price of Rs. 9490.
The urbane 5 inch HD IPS display smart phone is available in metallic finishes, complementing every style of the user. Equipped with 3 GB RAM and 16 GB internal memory, the phone comes along with expandable memory card slot, which can be used to extend the capacity by a further 128 GB.
Weighing only 167.5 gm, this thin and light device is for the Next Gen who seek great looking machine and a longer battery life. ELUGA A2 is available in two colors - Metallic Gold and Metallic Silver.
In detailed specifications of Panasonic Eluga A2
1) Design -- Great design must have symmetry.
- Symmetry on the front display and back side lines
- 8.9 mm Thickness, in spite of Big battery
- Fits easily into hand and slip resistant
- Metal wire-drawing craft to prevent screen scratches
- Same diameter prefect 116 speaker holes, because of CNC design
2) Performance over 4G:- Big RAM (to execute multiple Apps)
- Big Battery (to sustain longer browsing & download hours)
- Talk Time : 40 Hours
- Standby Time : 936 Hours
- Video playing Time : 12 Hours
- India LTE ready (B3/B5/B40 + VoLTE)
3) LED indicator to notify.- Any incoming messages
- Battery charging
And this LED is just hidden in the top bottom and only seen when some notification comes.
4) Quick Charge facility- Charges 50% of the phone in 30 minutes.
- 5 minutes charge, 2 hours talk time
5) Magnesium Alloy Skeleton frame to provide strong build inside and heating elimination- passed all drop and bend test
- passed all heating test
- made device lighter by 20 grams
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