The Everything Rosy Gift Set - Exclusively from for $69.95
A rose is but a rose. Give Mom the ultimate bouquet of luxury with a chic, vintage-style jardiniere filled with lush pink roses and a selection of spa delights, including deluxe body wash, moisturizing hand and body crème and candle, in a fresh citrus rose-scent
Teleflora’s Lavender Grace Bouquet - Available on for $79.95
A tranquil treasure overflowing with the season’s freshest flowers features stunning roses, oriental lilies, and chrysanthemums crafted in a lovely hand-blown lavender glass vase. This limited-edition sculpted keepsake vase dazzles with graceful details and elegant proportions that accompanies a range of seasonal and everyday bouquets.
Teleflora’s Pink Bliss Bouquet - Available on for $47.95
So Pretty in Pink! Pamper her with a stunning floral arrangement that is delivered in a beautifully detailed hand-blown glass vase in the perfect shade of pink. Hand-cut details add a touch of luxury to any Mother’s Day bouquet.
Teleflora’s Butterfly Serenity Bouquet - Available on for $39.95
Give her a reason to relax and pour on the charm this Mother’s Day with this sweet floral bouquet. Delicate roses and a variety of cushion and daisy spray chrysanthemums are freshly presented in a delightful ceramic mug featuring hand-painted details and an applied ceramic butterfly on the handle.
Teleflora’s Enchanted Garden Bouquet - Available on for $29.95
Bring all the springtime magic of an enchanting English garden into the home with this charming, butterfly in bloom floral arrangement. Wrapped in a collage of vintage-inspired botanical artwork, this exclusive glass cube is a perfect complement to a Mother’s Day bouquet.
We have a difficult time choosing our favorite bouquet to gift mom with. Which one will your mom love?