Pam’s Fashions and How Kristin Bauer Keeps Her Figure

Posted on the 27 August 2014 by Thevault @The_Vault

Kristin Bauer van Straten is known as a fan favorite on True Blood. Her quips from each episode are probably the best and the character has a fashion sense that has always awed us. However, to keep looking so great on the show means that Kristin also has to work hard at it by keeping fit and healthy.

Below is information about Kristin’s more interesting costumes, chosen by the show’s costume designer, Audrey Fisher throughout the seasons of True Blood and how Kristin manages to keep fit in order to look so great in them. 

In an interview with Fashionista Audrey Fisher, talked about exactly how she made Pam look so flawless all the time.

The starting point for Pam’s fetishistic outfits was obviously Fangtasia, the vampire nightclub Pam co-owned with her maker Eric Northman.

“Pam really wanted to be the madam of Fangtasia,” Fisher explains. “She really understood the power of that image and wanting to be the proprietress of this establishment – and, of course, she was a [real] madam at the turn of the century – so she sort of looked at being the boss of Fangtasia as playing a role to really draw the customer in. That was really the basis for our Fangtasia looks; we went for really extreme, very vampiric, you know, like Vampire Barbie.”

Among Pam’s most memorable Fangtasia ensembles were a couple of Asian-influenced latex numbers with peek-a-boo cutouts that were pretty, uh, eye-popping, to say the least.

“We imagined that she loved the era when she was a madam and all those elaborate costumes that she wore, so that was a place we riffed off of for her Fangtasia looks. We called them ‘work looks’, and we had a name for each look, like we called that one her ‘Empress look’ and the one shoulder glitter dress was her ‘Lady Gaga look.'”

Of course another huge characteristic of Pam’s wardrobe was that she often coordinated with Eric.

“They’re definitely trying to project a sort of sexy and unified image that’s a little scary, very seductive … I was definitely always thinking of them as a unit,” explains Fisher. From their coordinating black leather looks to their disco-vamp Fangtasia outfits, the two of them looked the picture of a goth Barbie and Ken.

As for Fisher’s fave Pam and Eric moment, that would be the picture at left, where the duo wore matching YSL and Versace … well, sort of.

“He’s wearing this, I think it’s Versace, grey, slim suit that’s a little bit iridescent. And actually that jumpsuit – I basically saw that YSL jumpsuit but I couldn’t afford a YSL jumpsuit for the show, so we made it and I altered it a little bit,” confides Fisher. But then YSL called her up, “[they] actually called me to say ‘Hey, we see you used the jumpsuit, that’s so great,’ and I had to say, ‘Well, actually I was deeply inspired by your YSL jumpsuit, unfortunately I couldn’t afford it, but I did my best to do a rendition of it.’ I was worried, but they were actually really gracious and sort of flattered more than anything so that was nice.”

After playing True Blood’s matriarch vampire, Pam for more than 7 years Kristin Bauer has proven just how different she is from her blood-sucking character.

Kristin opened up about her strict raw diet to The New Potato – which is how she has kept in shape throughout each season. She said she likes to ‘only eat real, fresh living foods – not processed or dead foods’.

Because she ‘never slows down,’ Kristin added that she takes amino acids, antioxidants and vitamins A, Bs, C, D, and E.

‘I’m always reading about ways to stay alkaline and cleanse… I try to work with [my body] and not burden it with chemicals or unnatural substances – especially because I ask so much of it.’

Ms Bauer starts every day with a glass of water either with fresh squeezed lemon, Dr. Schulze liver herbal cleanse, or Livatrex, she said. For breakfast, she eats steel cut oatmeal with almond milk, earth balance ‘butter,’ and maple syrup or cinnamon.

‘I’ve just discovered how easy it is to make my own almond milk! It takes two minutes!,’ she exclaimed.

For lunch, she usually has a shake with added ground flax seed. And for dinner she said she loves a stir-fry with brown rice.

‘It’s so easy and good! I love soy sauce,’ she said.

After being photographed at Café Gratitudein Los Angeles, Ms Bauer was asked what she is grateful for.

‘I’m so grateful for my health. I’ve had people I love get sick and die, and I’ve also had to watch out for wearing myself out.

‘I am so, so grateful that I can exercise, walk the dogs, travel, and have access to healthy organic foods,’ she explained. ‘Health cannot be underrated.’
As for how she feels the series finale of True Blood ended up, Ms Bauer said she has mixed feelings.

‘I feel Pam and Eric going out together hand in hand was just perfect,’ she admitted. ‘It’s hard for me to believe it’s done. Makes me feel such gratitude and sadness all at the same time.’

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