Paislee's Birth Story

By Samantha Curtis @hooahandhiccups

For obvious reasons, I have been running around like a chicken with my head cut off and haven't had time to sit down and write down the details from our little girl's arrival. But now that I have time (and pictures), I am SO excited to share it with all of you.
I had a doctor's appointment scheduled for Friday, January 10th at 9 a.m. and couldn't wait to see what progress I had made. When the doctor said I was 4 almost 5 cm, I asked her to sweep my membranes. Now people had told me this was a little painful and boy were they right. But it was over pretty quickly and I sat back down in the waiting room to talk to the nurses about my records since I had just transferred there. 
As I was sitting in the nurse's office, I began to feel period like cramps and they kept coming and going. I just thought they were cramps but the nurses seemed a little more concerned than I was. I started timing this "feeling" I was having and it seemed to be every 4-5 minutes and the nurses said just to be safe, I should go over to Labor and Delivery to get checked out. So I drove home, packed the last few items in my hospital bag and we headed right back to the hospital immediately. 
We walked into L&D at 11:00 a.m. and I told them what was going on; their response was less than reassuring. "We don't have any rooms right now." Hmm, okay, this was going to be a problem. They asked me how long my first labor was and I told them hour and a half and I pushed for 30 minutes and suddenly, their tune seemed to change. "Let's monitor you for a little while and see what's going on."
So I sat in a little triage room and they hooked me up to the monitor. It wasn't terribly painful or anything yet, just super uncomfortable and nothing like I had ever felt. So the nurse came back and checked my cervix and sure enough, I was at 6 cm.

"Am I in labor? Are you admitting me?" I asked. 
"Oh yes honey, you're already admitted."
EEK! I couldn't believe this moment was finally here! After months and months of not-so-patiently waiting, it was time to meet our baby girl! 
But I knew what was coming and my heart started breaking a little; I would have to send Bubba home with my friend while Z and I awaited Paislee's arrival at the hospital. I cried like a baby; I told him I loved him and that he would always be my baby and that I would see him later that afternoon. 
So I sat there, by myself crying, and waited for the nurses to come in and transfer me to another room. 
The next hour or so is kind of a blur. I texted and called everyone and let them know it was time and I waited for the nurse to come back and start my IV. Well wouldn't you know it, I was dehydrated (again) and it would take them three different pricks (and leave HUGE bruises) to get my IV started. 
Well then it was time to draw blood and that's when the contractions started getting worse. I asked for the epidural and she told me I had to wait until my blood work came back from the lab to make sure I was okay to get one. 
Holy. Painful.
Zach finally came back after dropping Nolan back off at the house with my friend and that's when shit hit the fan. The contractions were coming super fast and were super painful and I wanted the epidural ASAP. They kept telling me I had to wait for my blood work results and the anethesiaologist was on his way but this baby was coming and fast. So when it was finally time to get the epidural and the anesthesiologist put the numbing shot in,  I started feeling something down there. The nurse checked me and said "you're at 10 cm, it's time to push".
And then I lost it. I cried and cried and begged them to give me the epidural but they told me it was too late. I asked for something, anything to ease the pain and they agreed I could get a spinal. I think I blacked out at this point because I can't remember exactly how it went but my photographer told me it was the craziest thing she had ever seen. Maybe I'll watch the procedure on You Tube someday…

So finally, I felt relief. And that's about all I felt because I couldn't feel anything from the waist down. It.Was.Awesome. But since I couldn't feel anything, they also had to tell me when to push because I couldn't feel a single contraction. So I'd wait for their cue, take a deep breath, and exhale for 10 seconds while pushing as hard as I could. I did this for awhile and wouldn't you guess, the diva decided she wasn't quite ready to come out yet. 

My contractions stopped coming as frequently and we kept losing her heartbeat. On top of that, I was having terrible acid reflux and felt like I was going to puke with every push. They gave me an oxygen mask to make sure I was getting oxygen to her and put a monitor on her head since the belt wasn't working like it should. 

So I kept pushing, they turned me on my side, they mangled my legs and pulled me this way and that way and finally, at 2:26 p.m. our princess arrived!

I didn't get to hold Nolan when he first came out; the neonatal had to run in and check him out due to a descending heart rate. So holding our baby girl the minute she took her first breath was the most amazing experience. I didn't think I would get emotional but the minute they placed her on me, I cried like a baby.

It happened very quickly and I am so thankful to have had a wonderful delivery and healthy baby girl. She was 6 lbs 14 oz and 20 in of pure heaven and we are just so blessed she's all ours.

Most military wives are unsure whether their husbands will be present at the birth of one of their children let alone multiple but I was lucky enough to have Z there for both. Watching him hold our little girl was truly a moment I'll never forget; it's amazing how much you can love a little person you've just met. 

She had her first bath, nursed like a champ, and finally, met the big brother that's been patiently waiting for his baby sister. The first thing he said when he walked in was "Paislee came out!" and has been nothing but helpful and wonderful since. Not a single ounce of jealousy with this kid; he's such a trooper and I couldn't be more proud of him.

I just want to thank you all for your support and kind words throughout this pregnancy and on that day. For those of you who have sent presents for the baby or me, I cannot thank you enough for your generosity and spoiling us with gifts and love. This blogging world truly amazes me and I am so thankful for each and every one of you.
And to you, Paislee Grace; you're an angel. We've waited so long to meet you and our family is absolutely complete with you here. We can't wait to watch you grow and play and will thank God each day for allowing us to be your parents. We love you! 
"From one military wife to another, be sure to check out this month's featured blogger!"