When I first started my painting challenge on the 20th January 2020 I aimed to try and produce 1000 paintings/oil sketches, albeit small ones, over the following 12 months. Then I quickly realised that this wouldn't leave enough free time for me to work on any of my sculptural projects so now I've downscaled the target to 'as many as possible in a twelve month period'. I still think that I'll reasonably be able to hit the 400 mark by 20th January 2021.
Painting Challenge piece No. 12, 'Fibre Baby', oil on book cover by UK artist, Wayne Chisnall
As I'm going to be producing quite a lot of works over the coming months I'll be posting on this blog a bit more regularly than usual. I'll be posting new photos of the mini oil paintings/oil sketches as they materialise but please forgive me if I get a bit lazy and re-use much of the main body of the text.
Painting Challenge piece No. 13, 'Thames Embryo in Wonderland', oil on book cover by UK artist, Wayne Chisnall
The mini oil paintings/oil sketches that I've produced so far are mostly painted on small pieces of plywood or chipboard (recycled form Victoria andAlbert Museum packing crates), or on old book covers and recycled pieces of primed mount board.
Painting Challenge piece No. 14, 'Bound Head & Torso', oil on plywood wall plaque by UK artist, Wayne Chisnall
I've already started selling some of the pieces from this new series. Apart from works in my Taster Menu series I don't usually sell original artwork for less than £500 but as some of these pieces are very small and quickly executed there will be a few available for as low as £200. For info on the prices and dimensions of any of the mini oil paintings I'm currently posting about please feel free to get in contact (waynechisnall@yahoo.co.uk). Some of my collectors prefer to pay in monthly instalments, so that's always an option if you're interested. To see all of the paintings in the project check out my Instagram page.
Painting Challenge piece No. 15, 'Skull Boy', oil on plywood wall plaque by UK artist, Wayne Chisnall