Painters Are a Community

By Ingrid Christensen

Artists work alone every day, connected by phone or email to society, but mostly, they're disconnected.  That's why it's both incredibly gratifying and super weird to be placed into the public eye.  Or at least the art-magazine-buying public's eye.
The feature of my work in Arabella magazine has brought many good things: people asking my galleries for my work, an invitation to join a new gallery (more on this in its own blog post), and connections - both old and new.
I've been inundated with emails from both people that I know and those that I don't, congratulating me on my work and on the article.  Most of the emails have been from artists, and the generosity of the notes has been amazing.
Whoever said that the art world is cut throat and competitive, missed something. It's also a community and I'm happy to belong to it.  We work alone, but we're still together.
Happy painting and thanks!