I promised myself that I'd put that right today!
We have had quite a productive weekend in the garden, (although Mark has been far more productive due to me feeling under the weather).
Most of the time has been spent on getting the new Jungle Hut prepared for the summer ahead - more on that later.
But whilst Mark was busy painting I decided that the Koi pond deck was in need of a spruce up.
to take a before photo, so you will just have to take my word for it. But a good scrub and then a fresh coat of decking oil has brought the color back up.
The white chairs were also showing the signs of a wet spring and were taking on a very green hue. An hour with the jet washer brought them up almost as good as new.
I must do something about those speakers - despite being sold as suitable for yachts the grill has rusted very quickly, a job for next weekend as we have some white anti rust paint to bring those back up to brilliant white.
Whilst in that area it was also worth having a look at how the mixed yucca planting in the raised bed was doing. And despite having the firemen dragging a hose across it last year it looks great.
The bottom section of the garden - the Jungle has responded well to the extra light it has gained following the fire, and so many things have just exploded into growth this year.
The plants best not get too used to the extra light as it wont last for ever, planting of the damaged section is completed and will no doubt soon cast more shadow and shade onto the rest of the jungle.
One plant that has done fantastically this year is the Gunnera tinctoria by the original koi pond. This lost its main growing point last year, and the result is a much fuller better proportioned plant. I'ts planted into a raised bed lined with plastic for water retention. It doesn't actually connect to the pond, but does receive splashes of water from the small water fall.
That's all we are going to share for now, there's still a few finishing touches to make, so keep an eye out for the reveal! Gaz Gaz