Pain Hustlers (2023) Review

Posted on the 07 December 2023 by Caz @LetsGoToTheMov7

Liza Drake has big dreams to be successful and will do whatever it takes to achieve that, for herself and her daughter. When she is hired by a bankrupt pharmaceutical company she becomes very successful with massive sales and begins to live the high life she has always dreamed of, but does it come at a cost?


Everything about this film is a hustler right? Of course I mean the chance meeting with Peter Brenner and the lies and corruption that then begin with everything being fake and false I guess sums up the state of the healthcare system in the US.

I have watched quite a few films and and TV series now which highlights the pharmaceutical companies who are basically at war with each other and trying to outdo the other company, not properly testing the drugs or having any real clue of what might happen if it is overused. Pushing them with doctors in order to make themselves some money, it really is terrifying and it does make me thankful that the system in the UK is very different.

Liza was driven without having any real qualifications and thought very highly of herself, if nothing else I guess that also goes to show that self belief can be a truly massive thing. Being able to talk the talk and walk the walk without anything to really back it up is impressive. Again terrifying but impressive, the competition between sales reps again is horrendous and that is whether or not they work at a different company or the same company.

The cast that are involved in this film are fantastic though Emily Blunt and Chris Evans in the leading roles is great. Catherine O’Hara being all wonderful in a supporting role with Andy Garcia never disappointing and Chloe Coleman rounding off some good performance. Special mention also for Brian d’Arcy James!