Ok! I have too much free time! As you can see, this past weekend I got crafty, learned some basic CSS and changed a thing or two around here. I know I'm not any web designer and I know it's not perfect but I kinda like it like this, at least for a while. That being said I'd love to heart what you think about this new layout: Too cheesy? Way too many hearts?
Outfit wise it's pretty simple Zara pants (winter sale pick), oxblood blouse from C&A, New Yorker boots (also from sales - I don't know why I keep finding shoes that resemble with the Isabel Marant ones - in this case the Dicker ankle boots), black wool coat that I had for years, Primark sunglasses from the spring collection, and the bag is from New Look. If you scroll down until you saw all photos there's a similar look widget for some more inspiration. Let me know what you think down in the comment box.
Almost forgot the necklace was a gift from STYLIGHT and if you don't know what that is you should go straight here and try it. Basically STYLIGHT is a fashion community where everybody can share their style, discover new fashion items and keep in touch with fashionable people from all over Europe. Great opportunity for bloggers too! Now go, go check it out!
Hope you're all well.
Photos credits to: Remus Popa
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