Owl Dress Up

By Sarahcraftylocks

Who who who needs a great dress-up for book week at school? Two parts here to make a hootrific costume.

To make the vest and the mask you need lots of black, brown and white crepe paper. You also need some card and paper and all those things for joining them together like glue and staples.

Owl Dress Up Fold the crepe paper up, cut a strip from each color and set it aside for the mask. Then cut feather shapes from them. You will then need a piece of paper big enough to cover the wearers front.

Owl Dress Up Glue the brown and white feathers alternately round an oval shape in the middle of the paper. Put glue at the top of the feather so they will be able to flutter.

Owl Dress Up Cover the rest of the paper with black and brown feathers. You could also make this as a cape and not have the tummy section – just all brown and black feathers. Use safety pins to attach it to whatever the owl to be is wearing.

Owl Dress Up From the rolls of crepe paper cut off earlier, snip a fringe 3/4 the way into each roll.

Owl Dress Up Unroll the black crepe fringe and glue in a circle around each side of the mask to create an eye. You will need to gather the crepe paper a little for it to go round in a curve so use lots of glue so you can slide it around to the shape you want.

Glue the brown crepe fringe in the same way just slightly in from the line of the black crepe. Repeat with the white crepe fringe.

We added a circle of plain paper to tidy up the edge of the eyes before cutting the eyeholes. Staple on some elastic to fit.