Bare metal dedicated hosting is a specific type of dedicated web hosting. It offers the tenant unrestricted access to all physical resources of the server. The customers are provided with full root access to their servers, ensuring complete control over the hardware, software, and bandwidth resources.
In most cases, companies are using dedicated servers specifically in case their business is dependent on high-performance or high-availability requirements.
That’s because bare metal dedicated hosting gives you absolute control over your server without any interference from the web hosting provider.
The following is an in-depth review of bare metal hosting:
Advantages of Bare Metal Hosting for Business Websites
One of advantages of using a bare metal hosting provider like MaxiHost is improved performance. When you have complete control over your server, you can configure it precisely in a way that best suits your business needs.
If this involves scaling up the number of websites being served by the dedicated server, then bare metal hosting will allow you to do so easily.
Additionally, once appropriately configured, bare metal hosting allows for easy scalability of your business and greater system reliability because the hosting provider will not have to restart or reinstall any operating systems or applications.
If you are using a virtual hosting plan, your server may have to reboot periodically due to software updates and patches being installed at various times. However, this will not be a concern in the case of a dedicated server.
Another advantage of dedicated hosting is that you will not have bandwidth throttling issues since you can direct all the available bandwidth towards your business website needs.
If you are running a business website, then one thing is for sure; it requires fast and reliable access by users worldwide. It means that your business depends on a smooth and steady flow of traffic to the site.
When using a dedicated hosting solution, your server resources will not be shared with other companies/tenants, ensuring guaranteed performance for your website visitors.
A Dedicated Server in a Hosting Environment
Compared to virtual servers or VPS domains, bare-metal servers usually have more advantages because a dedicated server does not share any resources with other sites. In contrast, VPS domain hosting means sharing the resources of the physical server with others.
One notable downside of bare metal dedicated servers, compared to a shared or virtual one, is that it will cost you more. It can cost as much as 4-5 times more compared to a web hosting package that offers enough resources for your business website.
However, if you are running a business dependent on your site’s uptime and performance, then this added expense may be worth the peace of mind. When your website is down for even a few seconds, it may translate to lost revenue.
Others would choose shared web hosting plans since you can easily upgrade the resources as your business expands, which is not easy with a dedicated server that has limited resources.
The cost of scaling up becomes even higher because you will need to buy an entirely new dedicated server rather than simply upgrading the existing one.
However, dedicated hosting may be more valuable than simply scaling up because you can easily scale down, too, giving you the freedom to choose the correct hosting package for your current business needs. It will also save you money as compared to buying an entirely new host.
In a nutshell, choosing bare metal dedicated servers or your business needs dictate virtual private servers. If you have high-performance and high-availability requirements, then bare metal hosting may be the best choice for you.
It will allow you to scale up as your company grows without incurring huge costs on hardware upgrades.
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