Overlord (2018) Movie Rob’s Review

By Newguy

ABC Film Challenge – 2010s Movies – O – Overlord – Movie Rob’s Pick

“Three months ago, I was cutting grass on my front yard. The mailman shows up with a letter from the army. Now I’m here, and no idea where I’m going to end up.” – Boyce

Number of Times Seen – 1 (13 Jul 2023)

Brief Synopsis – A group of soldiers are sent on a special mission on D-Day and end up discovering a Nazi lab where they are experimenting on the local population.

My Take on it – Horrendous movie that doesn’t make much sense at all. The way that things play out is quite strange and despite starting off well, it tumbles down to a completely incoherentץ There are too many things in this film that are inconsistent with reality when dealing with D-Day and the army and that turns things into a very strange film. The action scenes aren’t done well enough and the way they present things just didn’t work at all.

MovieRob’s Favorite Trivia – Overlord’s first sequence, which sees the soldiers jumping from a burning plane, was done by rigging a plane on a gimbal, actually blowing up the front, tilting it as if it were actually falling through the air, and sending stuntmen tumbling through real fire.(From ">">">">IMDB)

Rating – Razzie Worthy (2/10)