Overland Park? Kansas? On This List??

Posted on the 01 April 2018 by Morage @kebmebms

I couldn't believe what I just saw online. It was this.

These Are the Happiest Cities 

in the United States

 - National Geographic

So I was curious and clicked on it. Thought I'd see if Kansas City were maybe on the list.
And it's not.
But I couldn't believe what was, what is on it.
Yes, our own Overland Park, Kansas.
It's not in the top 10 but it is, in fact, number 15.
On a list with the likes of Huntington Beach, CA (9) and San Francisco (13).
Overland Park??
Are you kidding me?
And they're happy?
Why, because they have all the strip centers they could possibly ever want?
No, I think it's because they have Kansas City, Missouri's Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art and the Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts and the Kansas City Royals Major League Baseball team and Kansas City Chiefs National Football League team and the Country Club Plaza--and a lot more--not far away, minutes away, in our own Kansas City, Missouri.
That's it.