
By Lovelybylucy @lovelybylucy

Oooooh rainy Mondays. Not my favorite. After a fun weekend full of friends and food and (lots of) drinks it’s always back to reality on Mondays. This little taste of fall mother nature is giving us isn’t my favorite, but luckily summer is returning later this week! Above is what’s pretty much been my uniform this week, black on black on black. A little polkadot action on my feet as you can see, which I thought would be fun to add to an all black look. My hair is almost that black (but still a very dark brown) since I had it done again last Friday (you know where by now). Even though I really liked the blonde, I always feel most comfortable with dark hair. And in black. :)

T-shirt: Cheap Monday (men’s)
Jeans: Weekday
Sneakers: Vans