Over Three Million Served

By Danceswithfat @danceswithfat

My blog now has over three million views.  I know that for a lot of blogs that’s not a lot but for me, it’s a lot.  It’s exciting and humbling and scary all at the same time.

My goal is, and always has been,  to create the largest possible platform to let people know about the options of Size Acceptance and Health at Every Size (which are two very separate things.) and question the status quo. I’m not trying to tell anybody how to live, but I have met way too many people who hated themselves because they didn’t know that there was another option, and way too many people who didn’t know that a weight neutral approach to health even exists and I think that people deserve to know all of their options, especially when options are kept from us by those making a profit on the status quo.

I have a bunch of things that I’m excited about for next year and I’ll tell you about soon, but today I want to say thank you.  Thank you to everyone who takes the time to read my meandering thoughts here, to all of the amazing commenters who have created a vibrant community here, to everyone who sends me kind e-mails, to everyone who checks in on me if I don’t blog for a few days. Thanks to everyone who has shared my blog with their friends and family and on social media.  Thank you to all of my members, to everyone who has supported my projects by sharing them on social media, or financially, or by encouraging me to move forward or being involved.  Thank you so, so very much. I can’t even tell you how much I appreciate it.

I hope you all know that I’m always open to your feedback, but today as I look forward to next year, I would love for you to let me know if you have ideas for how I can improve the blog, projects that I could undertake, ways that I can better support you etc.  You can leave a comment, or e-mail me personally at ragen at danceswithfat dot org.  You can also feel free to connect with me on Facebook and/or Twitter and leave feedback there.

Thanks for everything, you are the best!!!!

Happy New Year to those who are celebrating.  See you next year!

Like my blog?   Here’s more of my stuff!

Fit Fatties Virtual Events:  Don’t forget that the super early bird ratesexpire on January 1.  If you’re looking for a fun movement challenge that was created to work just for you, you can check it out here.

The Book:  Fat:  The Owner’s Manual  The E-Book is Name Your Own Price! Click here for details

Become a member: For just ten bucks a month you can keep this blog ad-free, support the activism work I do, and get deals from cool businesses Click here for details

Dance Classes:  Buy the Dance Class DVDs or download individual classes – Every Body Dance Now! Click here for details 

Interviews with Amazing Activists!!  Help Activists tell our movement’s history in their own words.  Support In Our Own Words:  A Fat Activist History Project!

If my selling things on the blog makes you uncomfortable, you might want to check out this post.  Thanks for reading! ~Ragen