Over in Chicken World

By Sue15cat

Mother Goose and her babies are back in the hustle and bustle of Chicken World.
They stay by Mum's side most of the time and she takes them off for 'Mum and Baby' time frequently, but they are now brave enough, and more importantly accepted enough, to be able to hang out with the rest of the flock.

The 'chook, chook. chook' call I make when it's time for the daily ration of corn brings them, as well as all the other girls out of the undergrowth and over to hardstanding for their favorite treat.

Once it's all gone you can almost see them thinking "right what was I doing a minute ago?"

And it's back to whatever it was for everyone, and Chicken World goes back to the business of the day.

Caldwell the cockerel has decided he doesn't like Rosy and keeps a beady eye on us while we're in there, she nearly always comes in with me on her mission to find a rat. If he manages to get her on her own and within striking distance he really goes for her, luckily being a quick and nimble Jack Russell she always manages to get out of his way in time and threatens him with a growl and a a proper snarl, but she's a good girl and knows that although she could kill him in one fell swoop he's family .... so it's just not done!!

She's a good girl.
Sue xx