Oven Roasted Ivy Guard(kovakai)

By Harini
I have been using my OTG extensively these days,not only for baking but also for roasting certain vegetables,cooking biriyani,toasting nuts etc.Just mix up,transfer to the baking sheet,set the time and you are done.Of course we will have to keep a constant eye on what's baking to avoid burnt toasts and nuts, but that's definitely less daunting than standing before stove and sweltering right.Also when the stove top is engaged you can easily finish a part of cooking in oven.Once I made this roasted potatoes in oven,I have made it again a number of times doing mix n match with spices.With very less oil the vegetables get roasted beautifully and for people like us who eat stir fry/vegetable roast almost with every meal this method is for sure a keeper.I made this ivy guard(kovakai) roast in oven yesterday and just loved.Even my husband said it was all gone in minutes at his office.Can't wait till I shared with you all :). Here in the pic you see these are roasted till almost black right,that was intentional,ivy guard tastes simply great when roasted till almost black.

Oven roast ivy guard recipe
Star ingredient:Firm ivy guards
Time:45 minutes
20 ivy gurads cut into quarter
1 tablespoon all purpose flour
1 tablespoon rice flour
1 teapoon chilli powder
1 teaspoon turmeric powder
1/2 teaspoon asafoetida
3 teaspoons oil
1.Select firm raw ivy gurads.Wah thoroughly snd cut into quarters.Pat dry.
2.Mix all the ingredients and mix with ivy guard.Let it sit for 15 minutes.
3,In the mean while preheat oven 190C and apply little oil to a baking sheet.Arrange the vegetables in the baking sheet
4.Roast in the preheated oven upto 30 minutes.Open at around 15 minutes and give a quick stir.
5.Serve hot with rice.

1.Select firm ivy guards.It should be green inside,only those are crunchy and asty.The red colored ones are fruits and tastes very sour.
2.You can skip maida and add besan instead.
3.You can even shallow fry them instead of baking.See notes here