Outstaffing as a model of remote development cooperation becoming more and more popular in the last years. Outstaffing services also known as a “remote/dedicated/offshore development” allow businesses to hire new or extend their existing teams in a few weeks with the profitable price/quality ratio.
As a provider of the remote teams Mobilunity thanks to the successful experience in this field has created an infographic about Outstaffing in Ukraine. We picked out 8 main benefits of Outstaffing like flexibility, full control, rates, etc; compared two most popular model of the remote cooperation – Outstaffing and Outsourcing; listed the items you should know in order to hire remote expert or team.
Also you can find here the rates of developers and designers by location to evaluate how Ukrainian employees can save your budget. If you have any questions or looking to learn more about Outstaffing services – check our blog.
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