Outspoken Trump & Putin Critic Anthony Bourdain Dies Mysteriously

By Therealmcteag @therealmcteag

Outspoken Trump and Putin critic Anthony Bourdain has died under mysterious circumstances in Europe.

While Bourdain had a troubled past and could have lost a battle with addiction or depression, there’s been no mention of a note.

Bourdain had called out Putin, among other things, as a murderer.

The former Chef turned free-range CNN world correspondent also seemed to fine recently on camera and none of his coworkers seem to have seen this coming. He leaves behind an 11 year old daughter. It would seem he had everything to live for.

Putin is exactly the kind of person who would kill someone he disliked and try to make it look like a suicide. He was in France, well within the established Putin Killing Zone for anyone he feels like off-ing.

I for one am glad its in the hands of French rather than American authorities.

Meanwhile the world has lost an ambassador for tolerance and a voice of resistance to the Trump – Putin Criminality that.s currently holding the us all hostage.

Its not impossible or maybe even unlikely Anthony Bourdain simply took his own life, but the idea Putin would just kill him needs to be analyzed by law enforcement. Again, I’m glad its not in the hands of American authorities because for this I trust the French a lot more.

Here he is allowing an anti Putin dissident to use his show as a platform. Putin is just as vain as Trump but far more ruthless and effective. We know he loves killing off his critics. This is the sort the thing he would hold a deadly grudge about for sure.  The man in the interview, Boris Nemtsov, died in a hail of gunfire weeks later. Now, mysteriously, Bourdain is dead as well.
