Outroversion’s March 2011 Mixtape

Posted on the 03 March 2011 by Outroversion @outroversion

So it’s over, I finally have the internet back home. Hopefully it won’t have been too noticable, I’ve been utilising my external harddrive and combining it with net cafes over England to ensure I’ve kept things going and I’ve done all I can to keep quality as high as ever and I’m satisfied I’ve managed to but I’ve paid my no net dues and those days are hopefully behind us.

The past month was great, Bright Eyes really dominated things and I’m pretty proud of my thesis like review which went up on the 15th. This spring I’m seeing him at the royal albert hall, which was a mind blowingly amazing Christmas present and that will be the pinaccle of well, I don’t want to sound dramatic but- EXISTENCE!!!

I’m working away on the Outroversion SXSW playlist for 2011 and that will be up over the next week. But for now, here’s this month’s mixtape…

Outroversion’s March 2011 Mixtape

Beady Eye- The Beat Goes on

Strokes- Under the cover of darkness

My First Tooth- Orchards

Rachel Goodrich- Na Na Na

Boat Beam- Fishing for spears

Ruby Coast- Whatever this is

Foster the people- Pumped up kicks

Portugal. The man- People say

Jenny and Johnny- My pet snakes

Forest city lovers- Minneapolis

Noah and the whale- L.I.F.E.G.O.E.S.O.N.

The submarines- Birds

The Civil Wars- Barton Hollow