Outroversion’s February 2011 Mixtape

Posted on the 01 February 2011 by Outroversion @outroversion

And so, I return from my annual January hiatus ready for the onslaught that is the first quarter of the year. There’s features on artists to look out for in 2011, my sxsw playlist which was huge last year and i’m even more excited about it this time out, there’s gigs and new albums but first I just want to get the first mixtape of the year out there.

As you hopefully won’t be aware, I haven’t actually had the internet for the past year! I think I did pretty well under the circumstances but I’ve dragged my household right up to date and though this should see a higher output I learned a lot about quality control through that period and there’s no way i’d compromise that.

The next few posts are dedicated to my artists to watch for 2011, I tend to do good- Anna Calvi in 2010 and Joy Formidable in 2009 where NME are only now jumping on these artists’ wagons. After that, Bright Eyes’ new and possibly final album is released, there’ll be a lot of retrospective, a lot of gushing sycophancy and a review of the album- which i’m waiting until Feb 15th to listen to despite the leak. I would probably not do that for anyone else.

It’s great that I get to talk to loads of great artists and hear so much awesome new music so thanks for your support which keeps me doing it.

The mixtape is a smaller one to start off the year; bands to look out for in 2011, some that have been hyped quite a bit like the vaccines who are borderline ok and Brother who are actually more than ok. 2:54 and Zoo kid who are both niche but very likeable. Overall it’s a lot of great tracks and strangely upbeat. Have a great February (:

Brother- Darling buds of may

The 1900s- Bmore

Antarctica takes it!- Try Try Try

The Vaccines- Wrecking Bar (Ra Ra Ra)

Stamps- Don’t let your cheeks hang low

Lucky Soul- That’s when the trouble begins

The Go! Team- Buy Nothing Day

2:54- Creeping

Zoo Kid- Ocean Bed