Outrage!! 90% Of Nuclear Safety Regulators Furloughed (Video)

Posted on the 10 October 2013 by Susanduclos @SusanDuclos
By Susan Duclos
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) announced on Monday that as of Thursday, today, 3,600 employees, or about 90 percent of its staff, has been furloughed due to the government shutdown. According to their latest update, from October 9, they can always be brought back in after something goes wrong, so no worries!!!
What this will effect?
Beginning on Thursday, we will not conduct non-emergency reactor licensing, reactor license renewal amendments, emergency preparedness exercises, reviews of design certifications or rulemaking and regulatory guidance.
Also suspended for now will be routine licensing and inspection of nuclear materials and waste licensees, Agreement State support and rulemakings, including Waste Confidence. This is just a short list of the actions we are prohibited from performing under Anti-deficiency Act restrictions.

So yes they can bring people back but the people used to prevent the type of thing we are seeing at Fukushima right now? Gone.
Let's put this in some perspective here.... the Obama administration is spending funds to close national parks and memorials, in some cases spending more on the closures than it takes to keep them open. Obama's golf course is being paid for. Obama's chef, and White House staff are all being paid. Camp David has been kept open. Congress's gym has been kept open. Etc...etc...etc....
But the Nuclear Regulatory Commission is not being funded??????????
Are you freaking kidding me?
The NRC has a list of reactors at their website here.
Below is a map of those locations:

So, if all hell breaks loose for any reason at all, I guess we can be thankful that all those FEMA Region 3 preparations and all supplies, including the purported body bags and generic coffins that are being stocked up in Puerto Rico, which is officially listed in FEMA Region 2....... are close by!
Yes, that was snark.

Cross posted at Before It's News