Outfit: Smells Like Festival Season

By Amy @amzzz1984

Next week I'll be at the Pinkpop festival! Can't wait! (see my festival post here!)
I kicked-off festival season with a food festival in my hometown called: Hap Stap. Well, eating all these fancy foods is a little different to listing to rock music, while dancing in the mud. At least the beer, paper plates, grass and stage's where the same!
So this is what I want to wear to Pinkpop next week.. Not sure what the weather will do...otherwise imagine this outfit with a jumper and a jacket on top. How we all love the Dutch unpredictable weather!
I'm wearing:
Nirvana Top: H&M | Skinny jeans: Zara | Scarf: Cotton On (bought in New Zealand) | Vest: Red Herring |  Sunnies: America Today | My arm party was the feature of yesterday's post: here
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Photo's: by My life as Matt edited by me