Outfit Post: Summer Sweater

By Citizenrosebud @citizenrosebudz
Outfit Post: Summer Sweater
Outfit Post: Summer Sweater
I'm going to come out and say it: this outfit doesn't feel like "me." As I adjust to different summer conditions than I'm used to, (going from sunny California to rainy Seattle takes some adjusting for me) so I'm tweaking my style to meet the challenge of a cooler clime. As Sacramento hits the 100's, my Seattle summer days are sometimes cloudy + rainy; even a "warm" day barely touches the 70's on its tippy toes. 
Hence the embracing of the summer sweater. I need a little more cover, a little more warmth in my clothing. So pulled on a pair of long  pants, summer white skinny jeans and a comfy loose fitting cotton sweater from JACOB. I love the cut of the sweater, kinda modern and classic- and I love the boxy cut with the tighter sleeves. The tweedy colors are beautiful, the salted black + white with a satuated amythest,  but personally, purple never feels like "me." If it were a different color (and by different I probably mean RED,) I'd probably be wearing it 24-7. But it went beautifully with my magic glitter booties, and the elegant art-glass necklace.
Outfit Post: Summer Sweater
What you won't be seeing again are these skinny jeans. I can't stand wearing long pants! I was uncomfortable the whole day- the pants were at once too tight in the thighs, and sliding down at the waist. And now after seeing the pics, I feel the look is wholly unflattering to my figure. So uncomfortable and unflattering gets a big veto. I've since chopped them off- they are now Levi cut-offs, and I think I'll be getting more wear out of them as shorts. 
What do you wear on a cool summer day? How would you dress "summer" in chillier climates?
Now Wearing:
Art Glass Necklace, available HERE
Drop Shoulder Sweater, c/o JACOB
Thrifted Skinny Levi's
Magic Shoes available HERE