Outfit Post by Bri!

By Jessicavenoy @lovelyjesscuh
Today I have an awesome blogger doing a guest post for you guys to enjoy! Her name is Bri and she blogs over at Breezy Days. Go check her out & tell her that I sent you :)
Oh yeah... I did a post on her blog today, so that gives you even more of a reason to check her out! She asked me to do a post about "5 Lovely Things That Make Me Happy" - it was super fun so you should definitely go read it ;)
I asked Bri to do an "inspired by" outfit post. Enjoy!
Hi Lovely Little Things Readers!  I'll just cut to the chase here cause I'm sure you are dyingggg to look at the pics below. The pictures are always the best part! The name is Bri Rios.  The blog is Breezy Days.  I'm short, blonde, and was born & raised in Southern California. Now I'm married, a college student, and freezing my bum off in Utah. And the topic? An "Inspired By" outfit. I'm not a huge fan of "Copycat" outfits, only because I like to be inspired and make something of my own. I like to be inspired by color palettes, clothing shapes, and the overall message of the outfit. You are probably asking what I mean by "overall message", right? You know how when you look at a painting, read a book, or listen to a piece of music, you can usually pick out the main "theme" of the piece?  I like to compare that to my outfits. Am I saying "I'm a lazy bum today" with my outfit? Or am I saying "I love my body, and want to show how absolutely chic I can be on a budget"? Inspired by: Cara "Fashion Love Affair" My Outfit: Jacket, Jeans: American Eagle//T-shirt: Loft//Flats: Target//Necklace, Bracelets: Forever 21. I love Cara's blog and am frequently inspired by her outfits because they are so wearable. I loved the hot pink and jean jacket combo that seemed so effortless and simple. I recreated it with my jeans and my own jean jacket, but added the orange&pink rope necklace, along with my neutral t-shirt and flats to make it school-appropriate. {I would lovvvve to wear skirts and wedges everyday to school, but it's cold and there are too many dang hills! Sigh, one day.} Finally, you are probably wondering what you would happen upon if you visited my blog. Wellll, lemme tell you!  You would find: outfit photos, installments of a real life love story, recipes, opinions about college life/married life/life in general, and fun 'lil crafts. Stop on by, I would love to have you! Breezy Days <3 Bri Rios Thanks so much, Bri! I must say...she's rocking those pink pants...wouldn't you agree?!
P.S. Valentine's recap post to come around lunch time. 2 posts in 1 day (3 f you read my post over at Breezy Days)...you better believe it ;)