Outfit: Lazy Sunday

By Amy @amzzz1984

As I promised: my Lazy Sunday outfit! And yes: I'm wearing sweatpants on my blog!
I know it's not fashionable, but I want to show you what I really wear; and I love to wear sweatpants!
I used to wear them all weekend long, to the gym, to visit my parents or to go to the supermarket. But I was cleaning my act up, and only wearing sweats at home, until I found these sweat beauties in the Dragon Tattoo Collection by Trish Summerville. I love them! So now I have allowed myself to wear these sweats outside of the house once in a while!
What is your opinion on wearing sweatpants?
I'm wearing:
Sweatpants: H&M Dragon Tattoo Collection by Trish Summerville | Sneakers: Nike | Tank top: Zara | Leather Jacket: H&M Dragon Tattoo Collection by Trish Summerville | Hoodie: H&M | Sunnies: America Today | Scarf: Cotton On (bought in New Zealand)
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Photo: by My life as Matt