Outfit: Jorts & Tights

By Elunstroth @emgeorgia

Shorts: thrifted Levis - Shirt: WildFox - Tights: Hue - Scarf: Gap - Jacket: Gifted J Mclaughlin. 
I have always admired this trend, see that word admired? Yeah as in looked from afar at other people thinking "man they look cool" but never thought I could/should go for it. While as I was doing my usual few hours stalking the interwebs I ended up on Sea of Shoes admiring her post on this look.  So this morning being awake way before any of my roommates I had to gain the confidence solo to embrace the day in cut off jean shorts and tights and lace up boots. That is a lot of "things" in one outfit, but the weather was nice (aka the sun was out) and I was going for it. 
I don't think I have actually ever posted pictures of this shirt in an outfit before, but I know I have posted about it. This summer I was obsessed full on stalking it day in and day out until it went on sale and that day I have never made a quicker online purchase and I have not stopped wearing it ever since. Seriously, I wear it with yoga pants and hoodie, with white jeans, with shorts, with everything!