Out of the Shadows

By Danceswithfat @danceswithfat

When I was a seven year old girl and just learning to hate my body, a group of women were choosing to stop hating theirs.  Today is the 30th anniversary of the book Shadow on a Tightrope:  Writings by Women on Fat Oppression and some bloggers on the Fatosphere are celebrating with a blog carnival.  More than ten years later when I had the idea that I could maybe learn to actually like my body, I found amazing support in the fatosphere and books like Fat?So! by Marilyn Wann and Health at Every Size by Linda Bacon, and finding and reading Shadow gave me a connection to the history of the movement that continues to be really important to me (it was a big part of the impetus for the Fat Activist History Project). My copy remains a prized possession.

I was and am so moved at how these women came together – without the internet, the fatosphere, facebook, or smartphones -  how they rose up from a society that was fully entrenched in fat phobia, and helped to start a movement from scratch.   This book and the amazing women who wrote it inform my activism everyday.  I want to live up to the example they set, I want to honor their work and sacrifice. So today’s blog is a thank you to the women who rose up from societal shame and stigma, called it what it was and is (oppression,) and put another option on paper that I was lucky enough to find.  From the bottom of my big fat heart, thank you:

Lisa Schoenfielder

Barb Wieser

Vivian Mayer

Sharon Bas Hannah


Marianne Ware

Joan Dickenson

Kate Allen

Lynn Mabel-Lois

Terre Poppe

Leah Pesa Kushner

Lynn Levy

Susan Norman

Veronica Hubbard

Judith Stein

Doris K.

Judy Freespirit

Sue McCabe

Cynthia Riggs

Elana Dykewomon

Betty Shermer

Kathleen Hagen

Robin Goldner

Mona Hudson

Martha Courtot

Laurie Ann Lepoff

Karen Scott-Jones

Nedhera Landers

Judith Masur

Marjory Nelson

Sandra Tyler

Kate Allen

Like my blog?  Here’s more of my stuff!

The Book:  Fat:  The Owner’s Manual  The E-Book is Name Your Own Price! Click here for details

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Interviews with Amazing Activists!!  Help Activists tell our movement’s history in their own words.  Support In Our Own Words:  A Fat Activist History Project!

Dance Classes:  Buy the Dance Class DVDs or download individual classes – Every Body Dance Now! Click here for details 

If my selling things on the blog makes you uncomfortable, you might want to check out this post.  Thanks for reading! ~Ragen