Out of Office by Charlie Warzel and Anne Helen Peterson #pebbleinwaterswrites #books #bookreview #tbrchallenge #bookchatter @blogchatter

By Jaideep Khanduja @PebbleInWaters

I think everyone has experienced lock down during last two years of Covid-19. The pandemic has set new norms for work and workplaces. Most of us got well conversant with Zoom calls, work from home, social distancing, etc. Out of Office: The Big Problem and Bigger Promise of Working From Home by Charlie Warzel and Anne Helen Peterson have given it all a new dimension stating - work became life and life became work during this pandemic. As a matter of fact, during this period, no one was thriving, but surviving. Definitely, work during the pandemic changed its face drastically. In place of earlier normal that lost its meaning completely, a new normal surfaced and now it seems, this new normal has become a standard normal to be continued for years to come. Who had ever imagined that whole ecosystem will get cornered in such a manner?

Charlie Warzel received 2019 Mirror Award for his report published after a thorough research on how Facebook s struggling to maintain privacy of its users across the globe. He was a Tech writer with BuzzFeed News before he joined New York Times. Anne Helen Peterson was a senior culture writer with BuzzFeed News until 2020. She is an American writer and journalist and had been associated with New York Times for their opinion section. What they both tried to prove in their new book Out of Office: The Big Problem and Bigger Promise of Working From Homeis that provided remote work is handled in a right manner, it can make both, the employees, and the organization merrier and more successful. Their real life experiences of working from home since 2017 after leaving New York city for Montana became quite handy in this regard. 

Definitely, Out of Office: The Big Problem and Bigger Promise of Working From Home by Charlie Warzel and Anne Helen Peterson is in no way a memoir. It's a well-researched work by these two master journalists penned in a very informative and crisp manner. And in today's scenario, it's most relevant and meaningful.

You can buy the book here. (Disclaimer: This is my affiliate link as I am an influencer on Amazon). 
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