Out & About || Yo Sushi! Sushi School

By Clo Hutch @lashesoflife

Cookery classes always spike my interest. It's the learning of new techniques, expanding my dish repertoire and skills. But also realising actually how easy things are, which I originally think are quite possibly fiddly, tricky and expensive. Usually they're enjoyable to do, affordable (or can be done so), and are super tasty. A sushi school class has been on my to-do list for a while, but I've just never got around to finding the right one or booking it.

I got invited to try the Yo Sushi Sushi School for East London Girl. Chris was my plus one, to give us something different to do one weekend recently. It was so much fun! He was totally converted to a lover of sushi. Can you believe he hadn't had proper sushi before?!

The sushi school we went to was at Fulham Broadway, just held inside the main restaurant around the bar. The restaurant is just inside the shopping centre as you come off the tube, so super easy to find. The layout of sessions is said to be consistent across all schools though, of which there are several across the country!

Each class only has a moderate number of attendees (we roughly had 16) - just enough for the sushi master to be able to keep an eye on each one of us.

The sessions last roughly two hours, and are very hands on which is great.

The best way to learn in my eyes, rather than just demos.

We each started with a bamboo mat wrapped in clingfilm and a sushi making booklet which we worked through as a group. Our sushi master, Janaki Gurung, took us through, starting with a quick description of how to make the best sushi rice, before getting us to get hands on with our first roll - the cucumber maki.

We learnt all about making our gloves greasy for best results, how to use the rough side of the seaweed for the rice so it sticks, how far up the seaweed to put the rice, how thick we should make it, and the best techniques for rolling. It's all about technique and a good roll.

I was so proud of our first rolls. They looked fab.

We then moved quickly on to a Inari mini ISO with shichimi powder on the outside, Vegetable Futomaki, and a crab and avocado Californian ISO with sesame seeds, as well as a crab and avocado California handroll, salmon nigiri and masago gunkan. By the end, we were getting better and better - our rolls were looking pretty impressive, and that's before they were finalised.

Whilst the sushi school wasn't overly in-depth or informative, or very chatty (there weren't many questions asked etc), we learnt so many basic techniques, making SO MUCH SUSHI. I couldn't quite believe how much we made, but also how good it all looked once chopped up (Janaki did this for us quickly before we left). We ate a couple bits there but got to take most of it home. Along with plenty of wasabi (I absolutely love wasabi), and soy sauce. We enjoyed a little late lunch, and a sushi feast the next day too - as most of it was veggie it was still really good (obviously not as good as eating it the same day), but I wouldn't recommend leaving it any longer.

If you're into sushi, or even intrigued by it, I'd definitely recommend the sushi school. Go with a friend/partner who you can have a laugh with, and I'm sure you'd really enjoy it.


  • Price: £30 per person, or £50 for two, which I think is SO reasonable.
  • Food: You get to learn the basic techniques for so many sushi types! You also take home A LOT of sushi, and it's all VERY tasty!
  • Fun?: I thought it was fun. Definitely take someone you can have a laugh with. But it isn't overly formal, and you kinda just follow along and make it what you want it to b.
  • Atmosphere: Chilled and relaxed.
  • Service: Friendly enough. Not overly chatty, or conducive to questions..but easy to follow along.
  • Booking: Easy to book via the sushi school section online.

What masterclasses have you done recently?

Chloe xx

*I was invited along for East London Girl. All views my own.