OUT & ABOUT The Phoenix Rising

By Tere Bernardo @terebol

The Phoenix Rising Marking a New Beginning, Permanently
OUT &  ABOUT The Phoenix Rising

Last week, my friend, Cha, asked me to go with her because she wants to get her very first tattoo. Her design is that of a phoenix rising from it's ashes (so cool!) with an inscription saying "New Beginning" to mark certain changes that she is currently facing in her life. 
Well, to cut the story short, I said yes (I am an inked person too) and went with her to the The Inkside Tattoo shop, located in Marikina, where we met with her tattoo artist, Dan Santos. Dan created a new design for Cha's tattoo based on the pictures of some designs she liked that she sent him. The total work lasted about 5 hours but the end result was amazing!
Here are the photos I took using my SE g700 (some photo's were grabbed from her blog) during the session as well as a brief video as Dan inked the final touches on my Cha's new tattoo.

OUT &  ABOUT The Phoenix Rising

Dan positions the transfer paper / tattoo stencil
(photo grabbed from Cha's blog)

OUT &  ABOUT The Phoenix Rising

Do you like what you see?
OUT &  ABOUT The Phoenix Rising

No pain, no... well in this case, no tattoo. Right, Cha? 
 The New Beginning
 the calm before the storm  here's the storm...
 your bird looks fierce! damn! the outline (had to edit to make the black ink stand out)
 Dan adding the first colors  folks, that's not blood  that's red ink, trust me  Cha managed to text, drink (The Bar Vodka), take pictures of herself and even read a magazine when the pain doesn't bother her...  almost done


 15 needles YIKES!
 water colors... or not
the BIG 2 (left: 7 needles | right: 15 needles) (photo grabbed from Cha's blog)
see? it's not painful at all... it's no biggie...
 hang on tight, it's a bumpy (i mean painful) ride!
after nearly 5 hours 3 needle changes (5 | 7 | 15) 9  different colors THE PHOENIX HAS FINALLY RISEN
(photo grabbed from Cha's blog)  Cha and Dan (photo grabbed from Cha's blog)
packed and ready for shipment... oh, i meant to go home...
But wait! There's more!

YOU NEED TO WATCH MY SHORT CLIP! (if you're brave enough...)