Our Weekend Snippets

By Milastolemyheart

I got about a dozen drafts gathering dust. Most of them, I'm done writing the text. My challenge is having the right photos added because it's either the event photos got deleted or I can't access it from my Dropbox. If you've noticed, some had been posted with stock or grabbed photos which I'm trying to avoid for fear of copyright infringement. With that said, I gave my self a deadline to finish all pending post within a week.
For now, I'll start with snippets of this weekend's adventures with Mila.


Went to the Gingersnaps Warehouse Sale. 
Got all these and a few more for less than P2,500 (about 30pcs).


Attenden the Good Housekeeping's Get Hooked on DIY Event.
We love the photo booth and lots of freebies!

We couldn't resist Zark's Burgers.
Mila woke up in time to eat her hand-cut fries while we wait for the Kramers

Mila had fun at the Carousel


Went to Legazpi Market to exercise - our tummy! :)

Quick Grocery Run after the lovely brunch.
Spot my crazy sister!

Movie time with Mila!
Watched one of my ultimate favorite movies before we ended the day!

I wish you too had a full weekend!