Hello everyone, I hope all is well with you. I’m back today after a week of working, running, and hiking. I’m still writing, but since it’s been so nice out, I’ve had the desire to be outside as much as possible. So, I’ve been having a hard time sitting still.
But enough about that, today, I’d like to talk about our most valuable natural resource. It’s our children. We should be investing in their education and creating a world where they can grow and prosper.
We need to create a world where they can have life sustaining jobs, and we need to take care of the earth, so they don’t inherit a bigger mess than they already are.
I wish we could work on the pollution problem in our world. All the plastic in the oceans is bad for everyone. The problem is how do you enforce other countries to follow the same guidelines and rules as us? This is the ultimate problem we’re facing in our world today.
I feel strongly that we need to come together globally if we’re going to save our planet. We need to get everyone on the same page. I’m sure other countries feel the need to take care of the earth. Why can’t we have a summit that’s dedicated to creating some guidelines for all the countries who use our oceans and seas? It would be hard work, but I’m sure we could come to some sort of agreement that everyone can live with. It’s certainly worth a shot.
We also need to make sure there are life sustaining jobs out there for our young people. I know we love our kids and want to be with them as much as possible, but we’re not going to be around forever, and we need them to grow to be strong and independent, so they can take care of themselves.
We need to revamp our education system. Look at what Finland is doing. They’re doing something right that’s for sure. Since the 1980’s they’ve made focusing on basics their priority. The list below are the guidelines they’re using for their educational system.
- Education should be an instrument to balance out social inequality.
- All students receive free school meals.
- Ease of access to health care.
- Psychological counseling
- Individualized guidance
Their children aren’t bogged down with homework every night after school, and there is no standardized testing. They have developed a culture of cooperation instead of competition. In Finland, there is a lesser dichotomy to focus on college education versus trade schools. Both are considered professional and fulfilling careers. We need to make changes to our system to emulate Finland. It’s working wonders for them and will benefit our children. I’m sure of it.
What are your thoughts about the world we live in? Do you have any ideas on how we can save the future for our kids?
Leave a comment! I’d love to hear from you!