Our Mischievous Visitor

By Kristy @mileydailyscoop
Word on the street has it that our little sister Jordyn has been spending some time with another dog.
That's right....she's been cheating on us and we have the evidence!
See for yourself...
They were spotted at the dog park...

And on a train...

Not only is this another dog, but it's another dog in our family that we have never met..... until recently.
Meet Roxy....
She came into our house like a little ball of white mischief, jumping all over me like a monkey on a cupcake...

 I didn't know what to make of her...

....and I still don't, but I think I kinda like her!

Mom told me that we may have a sleepover some day with Roxy.
This was my reaction....

After serious consideration,  Maggie and I have decided we will share Jordyn with Roxy - anything to get her down off my back!!
As for a sleepover - we are undecided!!