Our Home for the Weekend

By Sue15cat

We're back!!
This was our home for the weekend ... from Friday until Monday morning we could pretend we lived in this lovely little Welsh cottage.  As lots of you wanted to see inside this cottage after you followed the links on my last post and learned all about it I took quite a few photos, some of which appear here and the rest will be included on a separate stand alone page at the top of the Blog.
For much more information about Treleddyd Fawr Cottage see THIS blog post done a couple of weeks ago.

We were welcomed into the cottage by this lovely photo of Mr Griffiths, the gentleman that left the cottage to the National Trust, and his cat Nadolig. 

Round the wooden partition was the little sitting area with the original settle that Mr Griffiths owned.  In total three pieces of his furniture were restored and returned to the cottage, I thought this was a lovely touch.

To the left of the settle and inglenook fireplace was the dining area being shown to us here by a certain little Pug, who loved her stay in the cottage as much as we did.

In the living room simplicity but comfort with a two seater sofa ...

... and a cosy armchair which Lovely Hubby swiftly claimed as his own.
If you are wondering what he is doing here in the photo, he's sharpening his colouring pencils!!   
We forgot to take a pencil sharpener with us and Lovely Hubby embarked on a colouring-in marathon, so we bought one while we were out.  That it happened to be bought off a Guide Dogs for the Blind stall and was in the shape of a little dog ... and to sharpen your pencils you had to insert them in the dogs mouth and turn his tail to work it ... only added to the holiday fun .... and Suky's fascination.

On the wall above the armchair was a sample of some of the many layers of wallpaper found in the cottage when the renovations began.

Up the little blue staircase ....

 ....and you come to this lovely big room, which showcased the cottages lovely old floorboards.  The gaps in them meant that the heat from downstairs rose up beautifully keeping the cottage cosy and warm.

Turning round completely you can see into the bedroom of the cottage.

Where Suky found a little window sill that gave her a wonderful view of the cottage garden.

Back downstairs and into the kitchen, being very careful not to bang your head, Lovely Hubby nearly knocked himself out twice .... then he learned to duck.  I was a bit luckier and remembered every time :-)

The back door opened out onto the little side passage that led to the outbuildings opposite and the back garden to the left.

The bathroom, which along with the kitchen are in the lean-to section that was the original dairy of the cottage.

Which you can see with the black roof in this photo taken from the back garden.

The cottage with its outbuildings.  The one attached to the cottage on the left of the photo is the log store, the two red doors on the other side were locked to us, but further along to the right was the shed containing the rubbish bins and further along to the left was the converted utility room with all the mod cons you just wouldn't want to see in the cottage itself.
Our car had to be parked in the little walled area opposite the cottage as the cottage is frequently photographed by the walkers on the footpath that runs across the front of it.  We got used to people standing opposite the windows and marvelling at the cottage, them doing this and taking photos was no problem but the few that came right up to the windows and peered in gave us a bit of a start, Lovely Hubby took to waving at them which made them jump and move sheepishly away ;-)

We had a brilliant time and it was a sad moment when we had to lock the door for the final time and drive away.  
But, and this is a big BUT it was lovely to get home to our Welsh cottage, rested refreshed and full of ideas of getting back to the simplicity that we enjoyed while we were away for the weekend.  We could never live our day to day lives doing all the things we do with so little 'stuff' but we can continue on our journey to whittle away at what we have until we reach the point where we have everything we need and our wants our minimal.
I hope you enjoyed this little round up of our cottage-y holiday snaps, I will put these and the rest of the photos I took on the new page that we appear shortly at the top of the blog.
Sue xx