Our Guest Post on Finding Rover

By David13676 @dogspired

We are so excited to kick off our new guest blogger series with a touching and heartfelt piece by Lori Chletsos of the wonderful (DOG)spired. If you haven't been over to (DOG)spired, you need  to check them out for their feel-good and informative content. Read on for Lori's most memorable dog inspirations, reminding us of how remarkable dogs are everywhere.

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FRMany thanks to Finding Rover, for reaching out to us at (DOG)spired to share some of our stories.  Here’s what they posted if you missed it yesterday:

We are so excited to kick off our new guest blogger series with a touching and heartfelt piece by Lori Chletsos of the wonderful (DOG)spired. If you haven’t been over to (DOG)spired, you need  to check them out for their feel-good and informative content. Read on for Lori’s most memorable dog inspirations, reminding us of how remarkable dogs are everywhere.



(DOG)spired was born from a love of dogs, of course, but our passion for dogs goes beyond their being man’s faithful companion, it goes to the very soul of dogs. We are inspired by dogs—their nature, like Casper who helped a boy back from death; their selfless behavior, like Joe, the Yorkie who chased a bear out of his home; their loyalty, like Bailey, the service dog for a Wounded Warrior; their capacity for love and forgiveness. We are a blog inspired by and dedicated to dogs and the people who love them.

I am inspired by my own dogs and their capacity to love and trust. First was Bridget, a 6-year-old chow who had been rehomed three times already. She was 60 pounds of attitude who didn’t like other dogs and wasn’t fond of a lot of people. This animal had been given up on multiple times, yet I brought her home and we immediately bonded. Life had not been kind to her, but her little spirit allowed her to love me, a stranger, when so many before me had let her down. I don’t know a lot of people who give second chances, let alone third and fourth ones.

After Bridget's passing, the hole in my heart ached for the love\nI had with her. Enter Raven, another middle-aged chow who was left on the door\nstep of a shelter and scheduled to be put down. Life had not been kind to her. She\nwas severely underweight, dirty, and heart-worm positive. Even the shelter\nstaff had given up on her; they were going to put her down even as a rescue\ngroup fought to take her with them. She finally was released to foster care,\nwhere her health was improving, but her aggression toward other dogs made her\nan undesirable adoptee. I couldn't resist another hard case. The love that she\nshows me, her devotion to me, and trust in me gives me such hope in the world.\nThis mistreated animal, despite the ordeal that has been her life, is capable\nof giving and receiving love and of trusting again.

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After Bridget’s passing, the hole in my heart ached for the love I had with her. Enter Raven, another middle-aged chow who was left on the door step of a shelter and scheduled to be put down. Life had not been kind to her. She was severely underweight, dirty, and heart-worm positive. Even the shelter staff had given up on her; they were going to put her down even as a rescue group fought to take her with them. She finally was released to foster care, where her health was improving, but her aggression toward other dogs made her an undesirable adoptee. I couldn’t resist another hard case. The love that she shows me, her devotion to me, and trust in me gives me such hope in the world. This mistreated animal, despite the ordeal that has been her life, is capable of giving and receiving love and of trusting again.

This is why I joined (DOG)spired in its mission to be an\noriginal amidst the multitude of dog sites available: to share the unique\ncontent of inspiring and heartwarming dog stories in a world not always\nforthcoming with second chances. I wanted to be part of a team whose mission is\nto be a resource of inspiration and love that people will go to when they want\nto read or tell a story that touches them about the undeniable spirit of our\ndogs.

David, a (DOG)spired founder and community manager, started the\nsite to see if he could build an online community where dog lovers could go and\nexpress themselves. He combined the words \u201Cdog\u201D and \u201Cinspired\u201D to reach an\naudience who would share their own inspiring stories about their faithful\ncompanions, like Kayla, a member of the Doggie Brigade.

Leslie, (DOG)spired\u2019s chief editor has molded (DOG)spired to be unique\namong the pack of dog blogs and sites on the Internet. She\u2019s given an original\nfeel to it, focusing on heartwarming stories and inspiring canines, like Bertha, the rescue dog who adopted puppies who were orphaned\nduring the Oklahoma tornadoes.

These stories of amazing dogs, who just by being their doggy\nselves touch us so deeply, are what we aim to collect and share.

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This is why I joined (DOG)spired in its mission to be an original amidst the multitude of dog sites available: to share the unique content of inspiring and heartwarming dog stories in a world not always forthcoming with second chances. I wanted to be part of a team whose mission is to be a resource of inspiration and love that people will go to when they want to read or tell a story that touches them about the undeniable spirit of our dogs.

David, a (DOG)spired founder and community manager, started the site to see if he could build an online community where dog lovers could go and express themselves. He combined the words “dog” and “inspired” to reach an audience who would share their own inspiring stories about their faithful companions, like Kayla, a member of the Doggie Brigade.

Leslie, (DOG)spired’s chief editor has molded (DOG)spired to be unique among the pack of dog blogs and sites on the Internet. She’s given an original feel to it, focusing on heartwarming stories and inspiring canines, like Bertha, the rescue dog who adopted puppies who were orphaned during the Oklahoma tornadoes.

These stories of amazing dogs, who just by being their doggy selves touch us so deeply, are what we aim to collect and share.

Tags: Finding Rover, guest post, inspiration, personal story