Our Fur Babies

By Latoya @latoyallawrence

I love you postcard, banner with dog, puppy and cat, kitten holding red heart shaped balloon, cartoon vector illustration. Cat and dog friends with heart balloon, love postcard, greeting card, banner

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Check out this link after reading the post below if you’re an animal lover: Gone Too Soon

Aren’t they so lovable and adorable?!

They are the love of our lives.

Us pet parents will hurt someone over our fur babies.

We cherish them dearly ❤

Nothing compares to the beautiful relationship between a pet and their owner aside from the connection to a beloved relative.

Puppies and dogs 🐕 are such wonderful companions to have around.

I have written many posts about my beloved pets, and canines in general, over the fifteen years of blogging.

Friends and family members of mine have shared and discussed the value and nature within what we have witnessed with some of these amazing creatures.

Some individuals go too far and take things to the extreme when it comes to their pets, though.

As I have mentioned before (and I don’t mean to sound like a broken record), I never drank or ate out of the same cup or bowl as my pup or dog like I have seen certain people do and have never gotten into the tub to take a bath with my dogs- and I never will.

Those actions are not for me, but I definitely kiss my fur babies on the nose, give them warm hugs, and let them sleep on my bed!