Our Firstborn is a Model

By Chaayen

This marks a very proud Mama moment for me because my son became a model for one of the campaign for The Entertainer. I have tried out for a few casting calls and most were not very successful because I think Eurasians usually get the slots because of their exotic and very pretty features (even I admit). This time round, I submitted a video and was so happy to hear that our firstborn made the cut. 

It is as though as the world has acknowledged that my child is cute :) Also, fortunately, I also had more time on my hand during that period to bring him for the shoot. Plus, I wanted him to experience modelling and see if this was something he would like to explore. 

What we didn't know was that most casting calls don't pay at all. In fact, to participate in this shoot, we actually "made a loss". I had to transport him to another far end of Singapore and there was no transport allowance. Despite the pretty photos, the process was quite chaotic. Although he can understand basic instructions pretty well, whether he wants to cooperate is a separate thing.
I brought along the helper and also my FIL (who found the whole experience novel, so did I!) to help out that day. There was also a limited time period to capture all these photos and he had to pose with specific toys. It didn't help that there was quite a bit of distractions at the "studio" and some of the toys just weren't his thang. 

Also, the wardrobe is also of our own (unless you are modelling for some clothing brand). It can be quite hard because I am not entirely into plain clothing (that doesn't feature other brand). This might be the only matching set we have. At the end of the day, I was utterly exhausted. Nonetheless, I am glad we had some beautiful photos to keep
Note: We were invited for another shoot by another brand. But because the day and timing didn't work (you need to fit their timing too fyi), we said no this time round. I think we will say yes to future shoots because we don't really have any nice shoots of the #1 and #2 together yet. Or if it is paid.