With E3 right around the corner, we have decided to share our predictions for the huge gaming convention.
Sam's Predictions:
1. PS3 price drop down to $200
2. Some cool new Playstation IPs
3. God of War Ascension gameplay footage
5. A buttload of PS Vita Talk
6. Final Fantasy Versus Release Date finally announced
7. Kingdom Hearts 3, ANYTHING WOULD BE NICE!
8. New Smash Brothers game for Wii U
9. GTA V release to be set to Q1 2013
10. Infamous 3 reveal
Jean's Predictions:
1. Sony will be very aggressively pushing the Vita. Need for Speed, Burnout, Sly Cooper, Playstation All Stars Battle Royale Vita, and God of War Vita will be announced if not playable. More information on Soul Sacrifice.
2. PS Vita versions of Oddworld, Super Monkey Ball, Little Big Planet, Jet Set Radio, Persona 4, Smart As all playable. More details on the Nioppon Ichi 20th Anniversary Title.
3. Push for PSN content like Doctor Who: Eternity Clock and Retro City Rampage. 4. Nintendo will release the final specs and release date window of the Wii U. Price to come after the show.Whitney's Predictions:
2. Final Wii U design and demo
3. Several Wii U game announcements, Star Fox, Metroid, Super Mario Bros, Pikmin 3, etc.
4. Second price drop on PS3, 360 is possible in order to compete with the upcoming Wii U (not that that will be a problem)
5. GTA V trailer
6. Half life 3 announcement
7. Castlevania for the 3ds
8. Playable demos of the last of us, luigis mansion, and paper Mario for the 3ds, possibly Pokemon black and white 2
9. Microsoft announcement for the kinect (price drop, new update, new unit refusing)
10. More skylanders stuff, possible trailer/demo for skylanders giants
11. Jaime Kennedy Appearance!
Lante's Predictions:
Well I know the pundits have already eliminated much of the hopes and dreams of gamers out there but this is my wish-list regardles. And it's Playstaton only! Sorry to you other fanboys out there.
1. SOME sort of look into the future of the PlayStation. If not the PS4 in the form of graphics and possibility of multiplayer gaming then rather show us some new and jaw-dropping accessories and easier accessibility.
1.1 Hardware that will compliment the gaming experience, particularly local/LAN gaming, case example, the recent 3d display w/ goggles that allows multiple users separate game time on one screen, showcased in last year's E3.
Aske's Predictions: 1. Rockstar will hopefully give us some more info on GTAV, possibly a release date.
2. Big new 3DS game (new Zelda maybe)
3. Wii U release date & price
4. PS Vita Price drop and big new game reveals
5. (this one is out there I know but I'm hoping for it) Kane & Lynch 3
Electronic Arts - 1:00 PM
Ubisoft - 3:00 PM
Sony - 6:00 PM
Tuesday, June 5
Nintendo - 9:00 AM