Our Child | Adoption Poem

By Momatlast @momatlast

Our Child

Our faces may not match,
and our hair is not the same.
We don’t share the same blood,
but we share the same last name.

I did not carry you in my belly,
and I never felt your unborn kicks,
but now I hold you when you cry
and I comfort you when you are sick.

I don’t see your Daddy’s eyes in yours,
but there is no doubt to anyone -
you hold his heart when you hold his hand.
You are your father’s son.

Our differences don’t matter.
Our bond will forever thrive.
You are our child, our dream, our miracle.
It is love that intertwines our lives.

About the Author

Kellee Wilkins-Hall wrote the following poem in January 2009 right as she began her adoption journey. Her and her husband didn’t have a match yet, but somehow they felt that they would adopt a boy. Their son was born in December of the same year, and it is as if these words were made just for him before his Birthmom was even pregnant!

Kellee Wilkins-Hall is the winner of the Mom at Last “Adoption is Poetry” Contest.