I have known about this for a long time. Most of the money is coming out of Kuwaiti banks, but Saudis are also heavily involved. The money mostly comes from private citizens in those countries, but there are reports that Saudi government officials are also involved.
Of course, the United States has been supporting ISIS all along too if you ask me. We supposedly are only flooding Syria with aid and guns to the Free Syrian Army, but I have heard that a great deal of that money was going to ISIS. Further, the radical Islamists’ home base for entering Syria has been Jordan and Turkey. The US military and CIA, NATO, Turkey, Jordan, Qatar and Saudi Arabia have a mass presence in Turkey and (all except NATO) in Jordan. So if you are looking for someone to blame for ISIS, blame:
- Saudi Arabia
- Kuwait.
- Qatar
- Turkey
- Jordan
- The US government, military and CIA
All of these groups have been supporting ISIS and other Islamist nuts all this time. The purpose? To use them as shock troops for overthrowing President Assad in Syria. Why must Assad be overthrown? He is anti-US, pro-Hezbollah and pro-Iran. Why is Assad anti-US? Because he is anti-Israel. Why do we hate Iran and Hezbollah? They are anti-US. Why are they anti-US? Because they hate Israel.
As with so many things in the Middle East, it all comes back around to Israel.
The truth is that Islamist/Al Qaeda/takfiri radical Islamists are one of the proxy armies that the US uses from time to time.