In my search for local, dog-friendly events I came across something truly amazing! Ottawa Animal Emergency and Specialty Hospital is hosting a Canadian Animal Blood Bank Clinic! There is currently a shortage of blood supplies across Canada and they are urgently looking for canine donors.
The event will take place at Ottawa Animal Emergency and Specialty Hospital (OAESH) on Saturday, June 6 at 10:00 am. You will have to pre-register for the event and a form will need to be completed by your dog's veterinarian. COVID-19 safety precautions will be in place for the event and clients will be asked to wait in their vehicles during their dog's appointment. Appointments are 20 minutes long and not all dogs are eligible. This is the donor criteria:
- Dogs must be healthy and even-tempered
- They must weigh 55lbs (25kg) or more and but not be overweight
- Between 1-8 years old
- Up to date on core vaccines, as determined by the CABB (titre testing is accepted) with a minimum of four weeks post-vaccination at time of donation
- Heartworm and tick medication is recommended but not required
- Healthy and not taking medications that may exclude the donor eligibility to donate

If your dog is eligible and you're interested in donating, contact the clinic by phone 613-745-0213 or by email info@oaesh.com and they can send you the registration form. The event is located at OAESH; 1155 Lola Street Ottawa, Ontario. Paws for Reaction is not affiliated with this event at all- I just think it's pretty great and I want to share it with all of you! It's such an important event, and OAESH is an incredible emergency hospital that services pets in the Ottawa area. You can view the event information on Facebook!
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