Oskar is a Bengali comedy-drama directed by Partha Sarathi Manna. The cast includes names like Priyanshu Chatterjee, Saheb Bhattachariya, Aparajita Addhya, Kharaj Mukherjee, Sakuntala Barua in pivotal roles. Oskar tells a tale of the protagonist's quest to successfully make an Oscar-winning film.
Director: Partha Sarathi Manna | Cast: Priyanshu Chatterjee, Saheb Bhattachariya, Aparajita Addhya, Kharaj Mukherjee, Sakuntala Barua, Bhaskar Banerjee, Avrajit Chakraborty, Satyahari Mondal, Ayushi Talukdar, Debolina Biswas
Writing Credits: Deep Basu, Ravi Bhushan Kumar, Partha Sarathi Manna
Art Direction by: Ananda Adya
Cinematography by: Kunal Khatoi
Music by: Deep-Loy
Film Editing by: Md. Kalam
Produced by: Suman Paul
Studio: Zee Music Company