Oscars: My Favorite Hosts

Posted on the 04 March 2016 by Caz @LetsGoToTheMov7

Something that everyone always talks about when it comes to the Oscars is who the host or hosts are. It seems to be important to really get the viewer engaged from the opening monolog. I will admit that in terms of watching the Oscars I am pretty new at it. I guess I have this blog to thank for that as probably 2009 was when I started paying more attention to it. The reason? Well because I had started watching more films, and seen a lot that had been nominated.

Therefore my favorite Oscar hosts are from the more recent years, I just thought I had to set that straight before people asked why I had not mentioned some of the older ones.

I thought I would start by mentioning Chris Rock who had the pleasure of hosting this years Oscars. His opening monologue well pretty much poked fun at everyone addressing the Oscars so white situation which had been brewing since the nominations came out. He was as everyone expected in all honesty.

Hugh Jackman

I really do love that opening sequence and yes that is to do with my love for musical theater but I really do think that Jackman was such a perfect host.

Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin 

This one might seem like a strange choice but I totally loved them both in It’s Complicated and had a little obsession with Alec Baldwin which really made me love that he was hosting the ceremony alongside Steve Martin!

Ellen DeGeneres

I cannot post about recent Oscar hosts without that video of Ellen who was attempting (and succeeded) to get the most retweets for a selfie. Let’s face it certainly some incredible selfie, with real star power I can’t really think any other host would have been able to pull that one off!

2017 Oscar Hosts – Who would you like to see?

The Kevin Spacey rumours have been circulating again and that is something I would personally love to see. Come on he is a double Oscar winner as well so surely that should count for something in his case?